International Ocean Data Conference
Transform to OPen Science (TOPS)
Transform to OPen Science (TOPS)
12/15/21 Science for the World
12/2/21 Podcast: Please re-enable spacebar heating
11/2021 Australian Bureau of Meteorology Annual research and development workshop, invited presentation on open source science.
10/2021 Lecture 19 to Berkeley Data 100 class on the physical basis of climate change and using Xarray to analyze climate records.
10/2021 NASA workshop: The Transform to OPen Science (TOPS) mission is designed to rapidly transform agencies, organizations, and communities.
10/2021 FOSS4G invited talk: The core tools of geospatial science (data, software, and computers) are undergoing a rapid and historic evolution, changing wha...
10/2021 NASEM CORF invited talk: Passive microwave data provide a critically important 40-year record of changes to our climate.
FedGeo21 keynote: How are open science and cloud computing changing science, how we collaborate, and who participates? How are these changes affecting US fed...
Cloud based SST data provide an opportunity for data-proximate computing, where exploration and research can occur more rapidly.
Open science, open-source software, and cloud-based Big Data collections are changing how science is conducted and expanding the possibilities for what scien...
Advanced open source libraries like Dask are changing science: how we think about data, analysis, and what questions we think to ask.